Guide to Laying a Field of Remembrance
A Field of Remembrance is laid out in the same way ads the soldiers marched when they were alive, in straight rows.
Choose a suitable flat site for your Field.
Mark out a grid using the Bird's Eye View as a guide for the number of crosses you will be placing in your Field
Take a moment to reflect that each of the white crosses represents a life lost.
If you have an uneven number of crosses we find it best to place these in the front row along with the a cross for the unknown warrior "KNOWN UNTO GOD". If your crosses are named you may like to have this first row include those soldiers who have won awards or have some additional significance to your community.
Position crosses by pushing the metal rods into the ground. Always remember to push down on the Upright not the Cross bar.
Fields of Remembrance usually stay in place for 7-10 days.
It can be helpful to have a Story Board explaining the Field - here is an example used by the Field of Remembrance Trust.
Additional wording may include the number of casualties in World War I:
From a population of barely one million, 103,000 New Zealanders served overseas
More than 18,000 were killed and over 41,000 were wounded.
You are welcome to place flowers and other tributes amongst the crosses.