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Passchendaele Offensive Field of Remembrance

Written by on October 10th, 2017.      0 comments

Crosses in a field of wild flowers

Two thousand four hundred and twelve New Zealanders died in the Passchendaele Offensive that began 31 July and ended 30 November 1917.

New Zealand troops were involved in two major attacks the Battle of Broodseinde on 4 October and our darkest day the Battle of Passchendaele on 12 October.

This symbolic field in the Auckland Domain commemorates all those men, who died one hundred years ago.

12 October 2017
10AM Passchendaele Field of Remembrance Commemoration
11AM Passchendaele 100th Commemoration
Auckland Museum WWI Sanctuary Level 2

A century on this brutal conflict still stands as one of the country's most terrible military tragedies and the greatest loss of life in a single day. Join us for this commemorative service, a time to reflect and remember the sacrifices of those who fought in the hope of securing a lasting peace.
A sparrow perches on top of one of the crosses

Passchendaele Lapel Pins available HERE







The Fields of Remembrance Trust was established in 2012 to honour those who served and died for our nation during World War One.

The Trust is made up of the Passchendaele Society, the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association, New Zealand (RNZRSA) representIng all local RSAs, and the Auckland RSA. It is a registered charity.