Even in death they are not divided
Twin brothers - while researching soldiers for the Field of Remembrance Brothers Field I have identified a number of twin brothers who lost their lives in World War I.
‘They were very popular. One was a corporal and one was a private, and when the private wanted to go to town he used to put his brother’s coat on with the corporal stripes. It did give us a bit of a knock. We used to think, What will their mother think now?’
David and John Baillie
Arthur and Henry Boyd
Leonard and William Hansen
‘They were very popular. One was a corporal and one was a private, and when the private wanted to go to town he used to put his brother’s coat on with the corporal stripes. It did give us a bit of a knock. We used to think, What will their mother think now?’
Leslie Sargent An awfully big adventure, New Zealand World War One veterans tell their stories / Jane Tolerton 2013
David and John Baillie
![]() 12/500 PTE. D.S. BAILLIE |
‘Wee Davie’ died of wounds received in action at Gallipoli and was buried at sea. His twin ‘Jack’ was killed in action on the Somme in France. They were both just 22 years old. |
![]() 12/1545 PTE. J.R. BAILLIE Born 1 October 1893 Died 3 July 1916 |
Arthur and Henry Boyd
![]() 12/4139 PTE. H.R. BOYD Born 16 Jan 1894 Died 15 Sep 1916 |
Harry was killed in action in 1916 and Arthur was killed at Passchendaele 12 October 1917. Their only other brother George returned from the front partially disabled. |
![]() 4/355 SGT. A.A. BOYD
Born 16 Jan 1894
Died 12 Oct 1917
Laurence (Tiny) and Leo (Jum) Donohue
3/2631 PTE. L.P. DONOHUE Born 3 July 1896 Died 20 Oct 1917 |
Three of the five sons of Mr and Mrs Martin Donohue made the supreme sacrifice. The twins older brother 24/254 SGT. E.J. O'DONOHUE Ernest was killed in action on the Somme in September 1916. He served under the name O’Dononue. |
Born 3 July 1896 Died 3 Dec 1917 |
Lewis and Sydney Garry
34468 CPL. S. GARRY
Born 9 JAN 1895 Died 12 Sep 1918 |
They died within 3 days of each other in September 1918. A newspaper report noted: ‘Both these boys have been about three years at the front, and been up in the front trenches most of that time, bearing all the severe trials of the war. Coming so close on one another their deaths will be a very severe blow to their relatives here.’ |
34468 CPL. S. GARRY
Born 9 JAN 1895 Died 12 Sep 1918
Leonard and William Hansen
79450 PTE. W.J. HANSEN Born 11 Dec 1897 Died 2 September 1918 |
A newspaper report noted: ‘Among the many severe blows and sad losses sustained by New Zealand settlers, few could have fallen harder than that which came to Mr and Mrs Harry Hansen, of Strathmore, who lost their two young twin sons’. The report went on: ‘Both having together enlisted to their country’s honor, died in the same way within a few days of each other.’ They died in an influenza epidemic. | 76332 PTE. L.G. HANSEN Born 11 Dec 1897 Died 11 September 1918 |
Percy and Charles Marriner
![]() 12/2375 CPL. P.D. MARRINER Born 29 Dec1890 Died 29 Sep 1916 |
Percy was killed in France in 1916, Charles was wounded in Gallipoli and France and died shortly after returning home home to New Zealand after an appendectomy. Their memorial card noted that – Even in death they are not divided. |
![]() 12/2374 PTE. C.C. MARRINER Born 29 Dec1890 Died 15 Sep 1919 |
Duncan and Stuart Menzies
23/979 L/CPL. S. MENZIES Born 11 Nov 1894 Died 15 Sep 1916 |
Four brothers from the Menzies family served in World War I. On September 15 19l6 in the Somme Battle Stuart was killed and Duncan wounded. After recovering Duncan was in the firing line till the time of his death in September 1918 | 25/779 RFM. D. MENZIES Born 11 Nov 1894 Died 27 Mar 1918 |
